



B5 medium has been defined for the growth of cell suspensions of soybean root cells in the presence of 2,4 D. Nitrate was required in a concentration of 20-30 mM. An addition of 2 mM ammoniumsulphate led to an increase in cellgrowth. NH4+ when added as the sole source of nitrogen, did not support growth. Similar results were obtai-ned when NH4NO3 was substi-tuted for (NH4)2SO4. However, ammonium ions depressed growth when the concen-tration excee-ded 2 mM. Variati-ons in the concentrations of phosphate, calcium and magnesi-um resulted in relatively minor chan-ges in growth rate. Thiamine is known to be an essenti-al nutrient for cell growth and is increa-sed in concentrati-on up to 10 mg/l. B5 medium has been defined for the growth of cell suspensions of soybean root cells in the presence of 2,4 D. Nitrate was required in a concentration of 20-30 mM. An addition of 2 mM ammoniumsulphate led to an increase in cellgrowth. NH4+ when added as the sole source of nitrogen, did not support growth. Similar results were obtai-ned when NH4NO3 was substi-tuted for (NH4)2SO4. However, ammonium ions depressed growth when the concen-tration excee-ded 2 mM. Variati-ons in the concentrations of phosphate, calcium and magnesi-um resulted in relatively minor chan-ges in growth rate. Thiamine is known to be an essenti-al nutrient for cell growth and is increa-sed in concentrati-on up to 10 mg/l. B5 medium has been defined for the growth of cell suspensions of soybean root cells in the presence of 2,4 D. Nitrate was required in a concentration of 20-30 mM. An addition of 2 mM ammoniumsulphate led to an increase in cellgrowth. NH4+ when added as the sole source of nitrogen, did not support growth. Similar results were obtai-ned when NH4NO3 was substi-tuted for (NH4)2SO4. However, ammonium ions depressed growth when the concen-tration excee-ded 2 mM. Variati-ons in the concentrations of phosphate, calcium and magnesi-um resulted in relatively minor chan-ges in growth rate. Thiamine is known to be an essenti-al nutrient for cell growth and is increa-sed in concentrati-on up to 10 mg/l.
Micro Elements    mg/l    µM
CoCl2.6H2O    0.025    0.11
CuSO4.5H2O    0.025    0.10
FeNaEDTA    36.70    100.00
H3BO3    3.00    48.52
KI    0.75    4.52
MnSO4.H2O    10.00    59.16
Na2MoO4.2H2O    0.25    1.03
ZnSO4.7H2O    2.00    6.96
Macro Elements    mg/l    mM
CaCl2    113.23    1.02
KNO3    2500.00    24.73
MgSO4    121.56    1.01
NaH2PO4    130.44    1.09
(NH4)2SO4    134.00    1.01
Gamborg O.L., Miller R.A., Ojima K., Nutrient requirement of suspensions cultures of soybean root cells. Exp. Cell Res., 50, 151 (1968).