
Monomaleimido Undecagold in 5 aliquots 2030A

Monomaleimido Undecagold in 5 aliquots

PRODUCT INFORMATION MONOMALEIMIDO UNDECAGOLD LABELING REAGENT Product Name: MONOMALEIMIDO UNDECAGOLD, 5 x 10 nmol Catalog Number: 2030A Appearance: Orange-yellow powder or solid Revision: 1.3 (March 2000) Congratulations on your acquisition of a revolutionary new gold immunoreagent: the MONOMALEIMIDO UNDECAGOLD labeling kit. With this reagent you can label your own primary antibodies (IgG or Fab' fragments), or any other biomolecule containing an accessible sulfhydryl group, with UNDECAGOLD. Because UNDECAGOLD is a discrete molecular compound and not a colloidal gold preparation, conjugates prepared with this reagent have several advantages over colloidal gold conjugates (see below). It is the smallest gold probe commercially available, with a diameter of just 0.8 nm. CONTENTS Product Information Thiol Caution IgG labeling with UNDECAGOLD Fab' labeling with UNDECAGOLD Labeling of other proteins with UNDECAGOLD General Considerations for Immunostaining with UNDECAGOLD Reagents Electron Microscopy Immunolabeling with UNDECAGOLD 1. Cells in Suspension 2. Thin Sections Special Considerations for Viewing UNDECAGOLD in the Electron Microscope Silver enhancement of UNDECAGOLD for Electron Microscopy Light Microscopy with UNDECAGOLD Immunoblotting with UNDECAGOLD References Warning: For research use only. Not recommended or intended for diagnosis of disease in humans or animals. Do not use internally or externally in humans or animals. Non radioactive and non carcinogenic. PRODUCT INFORMATION UNDECAGOLD is the smallest gold label available, prepared using a discrete gold compound rather than a colloid.1 This kit contains the UNDECAGOLD particle with a single maleimide functionality incorporated into a ligand on the surface of the gold particle; this has a specific reactivity towards sulfhydryl groups, and may be covalently linked to reduced disulfides in the hinge region of Rev. 1.3 (3/00) Page 2 NANOPROBES, INC • 95 Horse Block Road, Yaphank NY 11980-9710 • Tel: (877) 447-6266 (Toll-Free in US) or (631) 205-9490 • Fax: (631) 205-9493 Tech Support: (631) 205-9492 • antibodies, as shown on the next page (figure 1). It may also be used to label cysteine residues in proteins, or other biomolecules with an accessible sulfhydryl group. The reagent as supplied has been lyophilized from 0.02 M sodium phosphate at pH 6.5, with 150 mM sodium chloride and 1 mM ethylene diamine tetraacetate; dissolution in 1 ml deionized water will produce a solution of activated UNDECAGOLD in this buffer. UNDECAGOLD conjugates are intended for use in high resolution electron microscopy where the smallest possible probe and the lowest possible interference with the immunoreactivity of the conjugate are desired. They are stable to wide ranges of pH and ionic strength, and are not radioactive or carcinogenic. The labeling reagent should be stored at -20oC. Figure 1: Schematic showing UNDECAGOLD labeling of Fab' fragment via reaction of a sulfhydryl and a maleimide group. 10 nmol of reagent is supplied: this is sufficient to label up to 0.1 mg of Fab' fragments, or up to 0.3 mg of IgG molecules.